What i have
I have a tiny pipi
by Monarcas November 17, 2017
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When a girl sucks cock all nite, then in the morning smell dick and or jizz on her breath.
Damn honey you got pipi breath.
by psycrow October 25, 2010
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A blue skinned chubby baby version of Jabba the hutt mixed with Gulper from skylanders and mr meeseeks.
He is the younger half-brother of el caca. Altough this version doesn't exist in the Buzz jander timeline,It does in the El caca universe that is expanded with more of el caca's family members.
El caca: hey,where's el pipi?
El caca's mom: You were supposed to make sure that he was here with you!
El caca: oh yeah I dumped him in the ocean.
by Get a Load of Toad October 26, 2022
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A homie that has much to prove.
Homie1: hey ese that midget in the loud f150 has a pipi wanga
Homie2: tu sabes(you know) he has a lot to prove since his wife left him.
by Don Julio Escobar Gaviria April 11, 2017
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this is a definition of marcs dick -11.03.19
marc has a little pipi
by urmumissogay March 11, 2019
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Cacapipi (ka'ka+P'P) n.
1. a person who can be crazy but
they often see things by an utmost respectful way.
2. an act of retardation but its only when your in the state of being you. ORIGIN (the kid in your heart)
3.An event that turns out the way you didn't want it to.
Man you need to chill with yo old Caca-Pipi looking slelf.

That party was Caca-Pipi bro.

I love my bff, thats my Caca-Pipi right there!
by Nazli December 29, 2007
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someone that wants to touch your cock
pipi touch ??
..... ok.
by FadesG October 26, 2010
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