what in the blue!!


what in the great blue fuck is that thing!?
Hand: Sacre bleu! I think i just saw Amy Winehouse!!

Job: dude no!! thats not Amy Winehouse! what in the great blue fuck is that thing??
by jazzyfizzlebiatch August 23, 2010
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French National Football Team failing to qualify for the quarter final 2010 in South Africa.
Dude#1 "...France lost against Mexico!"
Dude#2 "O, that meens Adieu les Bleus! They played shitty anyway!"
by electromonk June 17, 2010
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A hit. with the back of the hand. on the cheek.

Also, Cordon Deux, double back hand to the back of both cheeks.

Also, Cordon Fess, a kick to the ass.

Also, L'ARBRE. Being hit in the face with a tree branch.

Also, Linguini. Two fingers pushing the forhead back.

Also, Rigatoni. Flicking someones chin with all fingers.

Also, Tabackernack, to place a cigarette in someones mouth forcefully.

Also, Shnitzle, to push with the fist on someones chest.

All of these moves must be accompanied by a cry of the name of the move.

None of these are done violently, only gently.


by thecordonnerie January 26, 2009
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When one commits a "Penis Cordon Bleu", he has had sex with a very large girl. PCB got its name for the idea that when a man inserts his penis into a fat chick, it is warm, meaty, and cheesy inside.
Man, I was so drunk last night I committed a Penis Cordon Bleu when I banged that 200 lb chick in Tri-Delt.
by *Jazzy J* November 8, 2007
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During WWII French women would stuff their vaginas with cheese and queef to avoid being raped by Nazi soldiers during village invasions. So offensive was the smell of these queefs that the Nazi’s would avoid these villages entirely; often returning to base in need of medical treatment similar to that required by victims of napalm. Due to the scarceness of food during those times the cheese could not be wasted. In the absence of a chicken the most popular way to enjoy Queef Cordon Bleu was for the whole family to gather around Mum’s vagina with their bread sticks. Every one would enjoy dipping their bread in the cheese and Mum would get a little extra kick for her hard work.
I’m sorry I can’t play with you after school today Peire, but mother has been baking a batch of Queef Cordon Bleu for her last 3 menstrual cycles. I must get home in time for the evening meal.
by Collin Beats His Monkey January 23, 2007
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Eliza Bleu Waffle, AKA Bleu Waffle, play on words. A female pimp who sell's their friends into sex trafficking then advocates for them after they contract blue Waffle from sex work to squeeze profit even more. Lucky super grifter who achieved high status after her association/bottom bitch turned trick with elites like Elon Musk but could be bill gates, jeff bezos, etc.
Don't work with your girlfriend, She's an Eliza Bleu Waffle and will extort you from start to finish.
by 2BooKoo February 7, 2023
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