No Apparent Reason for a Bonner. such as a bonner you got in a math class, or while driving to work.
1)The reason I didnt Stand up for the Pledge of Alegance today, is because as soon as I sat down I got a Narb.

2) I will meet you inside, if i stand up right now everyone will see my Narb.

3) dude, im totally Narbing right now.
by Adome1012442 December 9, 2009
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Asshole, Idiot, Goon, Dumbass, any insulting word synonym...
Dude, why do you always gotta be a fucking Narb?
by PikappΕΨ502 December 5, 2014
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Meaning No Appearant Reason Boner(s). Can be morning wood or anytime you get arroused when theres no real reason to
What the hell dude! Why do you have a NARB?
by Theman8621 June 16, 2009
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Very sucky person, don't know how to pvp, also known as a newbie
You're a damn narb!
Shut up narb.
by lod January 23, 2005
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Whenever a guy gets a bonner out of no where (No Apperent Reason Bonner)
John:"dude, whats up with your pants man??"
Steve:"don't worry, just a narb, i swear."
by Snakeinmyboot August 27, 2009
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Narb is a lot like the common gamer insult of n00b.

Narb can also be used as an adj. discribing how awesome an item is.
Narb can be used in a few different ways:

Something can be Narbly, "Dude ur car is totaly Narbly!"

Insult, "U R such a Narb, u cant even fish for tuna!"
by Lethal Catch / skryptik July 30, 2009
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