A great singer for pop music. is currently married to nick cannon.
Gossiper: hey i heard mariah carey and nick cannon are gonna have a child?
2nd gossiper: yah, i'd call her a cougar haha
by jesse091432 March 14, 2009
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To "Make It Happen"

Inspired after the singer's hit song by the same name.
Girl, just Mariah Carey It so we can hit the club Friday night!
by flyboy1980 October 23, 2010
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"Mariah is num-bah-one di-vaa..."
by mr. beal January 19, 2004
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Ok even an anti prep has 2 admit that mariah carey ROX!!!
by bobby jack (im a gurl) December 23, 2005
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Mariah Carey has the greatest voice of all time, her astounding 5 octave range, along with the fact that she can belt out notes like no tomorrow prove this, she has sold over 150 million copies worldwide, and has had 15 #1 singles, and after 14 years in the music industry she still has a voice, selling power and a big fanbase, amazing.
by Tina March 1, 2005
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A talented, dramatic coloratura soprano, with an outstanding voice range. One of the few who can sing in their whistle register for long periods of time.
Mariah Carey's vocal profile:

Octave Range: approx. 5 (A2–G7)
Longest Note: 20 seconds in the song "Lead the way".
Highest Recorded Notes: G7, G7#, F7, E7
Lowest Recorded Notes: A2, A2#, B2
by Cyndane May 19, 2005
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