Maria is a name of an open minded girl, that is so beautiful and perfect, people usually use this word to describe a great person.
Guy#1: you are a great friend man.

Guy#2: I'm such a Maria right ?
by Thecoolguynextdoor November 30, 2014
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Maria is a beautiful hispanic girl who will bless your life, she cares about you more than she does herself and she puts up with more than she should. The lucky guy who gets Maria will always be the luckiest, her love for him is bigger than anything else and how much she loves her friends is difficult to explain even when it doesn’t seem that way. But you don’t want to get on Maria’s bad side, when she snaps it’s rare but happens. She’s a over emotional and always try to keep calm but she’s not good at expressing how she feels. she lost someone who she loved and that makes her value who she has in her life more. And she has a weird obsession with recees.
Yo i met this girl her names Maria.
Oh yeah she’s a keeper
by JacobKelvin August 4, 2018
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Maria is the best/worst person u will ever meet, she’s sarcastic to the point you won’t know wether she is or not but she can also be so nice to the pint where I wonder if it’s all a prank and she always wants to be single but is so pretty that all the guys like her and all her friends are jealous of her, she’s also really smart even tho she acts like a complete shithead most of the time, but she’s your best friend and u love her 😂
Guy 1:look at maria she’s so cute

Guy2: yeah she’s the best, but she doesn’t want to date anyone

Me:god keep it in your pants, Hey Maria

Maria:what’s up loser

Me: shut up hoe
by Anonymous123456789101234567890 November 4, 2018
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maria is the most amazing person EVER. Like shes the bestest friend and the most caring, beautiful person. She loves people but sometimes she gets spicy about them and its really funny. Her sense of humor is SO GOOD like u will cry and starting clapping the floor. I actually love her so much that when she leaves, it makes u wanna cry.
Maria: Guys i gtg
by Horsehorse October 26, 2018
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Maria's are beautiful smart and everything you'll ever want if you loose her you will regret every second of it she is lived by alot of guys with the name if Jesse. Jesse's love a maria
Maria: hey what's wrong
Friend: I just lost someone
To be continued
by Constellatiobs December 7, 2016
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aka the epitome of grace and beauty, with a walk like Shakira and eyes like the sunset in African savannah. She loves sweet stuff and cries over animals. Also super super nice sometimes even waiting hours or baking cookies to make you feel better and hang out just because!!
I'm going to take out Maria one day and my life will be complete
by swankmasta.6000 June 28, 2013
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Is a gorgeous princess, you should treasure her cuz she is loyal and understanding, she will always bring the best in you, she knows how to make you laugh and smile, sexually attractive in every way, but the biggest thing is her personality being kind, smart, open minded, honest, if you trust her you will be the happiest man alive, I know all of this cuz I have a Maria in my life and maybe one day she will be my wife.
She’s so pretty and sexy and perfect, she must be a Maria
by Its_EMP July 3, 2019
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