The best fucking person ever and can be a bitch and toxic butttt... we alll luv er
by Sone bad ass bitch May 30, 2020
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1.A swedish festival where girls wear candles on top of their head - the girl in question trips and sets her hair on fire.
OMG what happened to your hair?!

by Gavin Blake October 29, 2008
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lucia is a person who will

- write on you about betty and chuck

- draw all over your book

- wont check the work she has to because she cant be bothered to open her computer

- has no gag reflex

- but is CRAZY and makes school fun
person 1: look at her and her friend with writing all over her.

person 2: did you hear that she doesn't have a gag reflex
person 1:OMG but she won't check her homework AND she draws all over your book. but she is super crazy which makes her super fun

person 2: must be a lucia
by 123987465 October 29, 2019
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She is great and fun. She loves crazy things like roller coasters and loves family. She is very good at art and is very organized/neat.
by Neenierules June 1, 2020
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A Lucia is the bestest best friend anyone could ask for! Shes sweet and kind and you'd definitely want to be by her side during christmas !
Holly: Is that a Lucia?
Bob: Must be, shes super kind!
Lucia: You two are right! :)
by Cutiez05 August 6, 2020
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Lucia has no ass and can be a little uptight and but she is the sweetest girl ever. She is alway best friends with Mackenzie they are like two pea in a pod. She still can’t find a man and is obsessed with Finn Wolfhard. She is so quick to defend her friends even if it makes her look stupid.
Lucia is such a kind girl but she has no ass
by Macia November 9, 2020
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