martial art involving mostly kicking. It utilizes the 2nd of the four main ranges of fighting, which are:
1) Too far to contact opponent
2) In kicking range, some punching
3) Elbow/knee range
4) Groundfighting
As with all martial arts, it has its advantages and disadvantages.
Someone who has their knee kicked in so they cant walk, they probably wont get close enough to punch you
People who think tae-kwon-do is completely useless are shortsighted and know nothing of martial arts.
by TKD Guy December 3, 2004
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A Series of brutal moves to the womans vagina that will devastate and or harm it causing pain.
Boy 1 - Yo that bitch gave me attitude
Boy 2 - yo do some Vag-Kwon-Do on her
Boy 1- ill super samurai vag slam her
by highroller234569 September 2, 2008
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The richest person in the world. Raymond Kwons are the smartest and wisest people in our society. They also don't match with people called "Michael".
"You're a Raymond Kwon!" means that someone is rich or smart. Raymond Kwons aren't geniuses, but, they are the real try - hards who are the most studious people
by sdfsadfsafsadd August 25, 2022
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1. Any martial art maneuver clearly derived from gymnastic or dance techniques, often employed by actors with little martial arts training.

2. Choreographed fighting that looks too pretty to be realistic
Though Dalton was vastly outnumbered, he remembered his Swayze Kwon Do and laid them out with a triple salchow.
by wordsmif September 16, 2009
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tak kwon do:: the quickest way to get your sorry wossie ass beaten to a fine pulp by a small 7 year old child
tkdstudent:: im gunna go all all Tae kwon do on your ass

7yearoldchild:: holy crap you seid a bad word your ass is mine
dickweed!? *beats kid in to a fine pulp*

by bob b bobby September 2, 2006
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When a big tree, little tree, any kind of tree in a pot of sorts is put outdoors for fresh air, etc. and there is a fear of theft, or abuse, the tree can demonstrate tree kwon do. Tree kwon do as a form of self defense for the tree.
If a tree is put outside within a populared area, and someone tries to steal the tree, it will practice, Tree Kwon Do.
by Newman Chapport December 2, 2011
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Ancient form of martial arts kept in total silence from the world until it's recent emergence into a handful of the worlds cultures. All within the past 50 years or so. It has always been kept hush hush, with instructors carefully selecting a rare female student that must meet each of the three criteria: A) must be devoid of any element of feminist. B) has an unnatural and totally unprovoked hatred toward any penis-bearing person C) is so manly that even the slightest reference to her in a vaguely sexual sense will burn the ears of he who heard it, then cause him to gouge out his own eyes and remove and eat his own penis to ensure his own safety. This style of hate-fighting is consisted of 90% fist-based manuvering
Did u see that she-man? Of course I handed my wallet over in fear of a dyke-Kwon-do whooping
by JimMuthaFuckinJones March 31, 2017
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