A very high spirited, adventurous, fun girl! She has a temper but she is normally very kind! Lobes animals and can be very notable
She is the kindest most sweetest person to have around!

She will stick by you but say things she doesn't mean to say!
She is your rock and will always be your rock! You will always love her even if she gets mad at you! She is also one party girl! Has a big butt
Guy1: Wow she was so crazy last night! She got a temper with me!
Girl1: Calm down bro! U need to give her space!

Girl2: Yea that is one girl I don't want to mess with
Guy2: That is no normal girl she is a total Kelsi
by rye_frie234 February 15, 2016
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Kelsie is a sexy beast! She has big tits and a nice ass
Wow that girls a Kelsie!
by Indtate March 20, 2017
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Kelsie is someone who is very special in her own way. She is someone who will always be there for you. She can make you feel like the world. Even if she is going through ruff things at the moment she tends to help you first. She is a tough fighter. She does not pick favorites.Kelsie does what is right. Never take her for granted. She is the most beautiful person on Earth. If she doesn't like cooperating in stuff that doesn't mean she won't try it first. She is very outgoing and creative. If you ever become friends with Kelsie your Iife is complete.
by KMB8675309 December 31, 2018
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a certified badass, who is a sex god. likes to smoke(not cigeretts) and has a best friend named laura
" I want to bang that girl over there, she's like a kelsy."
by kray123 August 31, 2008
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A Kelsi is a kind heart person and can be sweet, but once you get her mad. You don't want to see. When you have something on your chest and you don't want people to find out. Tell a Kelsi. When she sees one of her friends getting beat up, she will be right there in the middle to help her friend. Kelsi can be funny without even knowing it. Shy when meeting new people. She will help out and take a blame for a very close friend if she was in on it. Once she is drunk she will be very fun and says some weird stuff. Kelsi can and will fall for a guy very hard. Once when a relationship ends it takes her a long time to recover. A Kelsi LOVES music and food. She forgets what she is saying in the middle of a sentence and can become very kinky when you get her in the spirit. A Kelsi loves animals, especially cats, dogs, and wolfs. Her favorite holiday is Halloween because she loves candy and to scare people. She is an party animal. Kelsi's are hard to find when you are looking for one. Next time you go looking for a Kelsi, you can't find her she will find you. also if you end up dating a Kelsi you better treat her right. And when a Kelsi falls for a guy, she becomes a yandere and over protective when other girls that she don't know or trust are around her man, she will do anything for them and is fun in bed.
Boy : "man I wish I had a Kelsi"
Girl :" why she is crazy"
by Luna_the_wolf135 October 7, 2020
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The utmost geekiest of beings. Will go crazy at the drop of a dime.
You hear what Kelsy did? Yeah she's bat shit crazy!
by BoozeKrusen88 December 21, 2016
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Somebody who poo's themselves uncontrollably, especially whilst flatulent. Kelsie is often very confident and entertaining for her friends. She falls in love easily; especially on holiday romances
Kelsie- 'oh no'
Girl 2- 'what?'
Kelsie- ' it feels like curry sauce'
by LisaMono_123 October 23, 2013
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