1. A person who seeks to be individual by dressing like, acting like, and listening to the same music as all of his or her juggalo friends.

2. A person who lives in the gray area between 'cult member' and 'juvenile delinquent.'
"As a juggalo, I'm so unique, I wear face paint and ugly clothes that no one but the other trillion jugallos in the world would wear."
by 20smiles09 March 23, 2008
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A white cracker fuckface who is a total insult to white people, they put on clown makeup to hide the fact that they are homosexuals and threaten to kill people with hatchets if they aren't "down for some ass sex with the clown". They should NOT under any circumstances be taken as a threat because their insults couldn't even intimidate a 5 year old, and if I was to see a bunch of clown fags running after me I would die laughing.
I hate the ICP, they are a lame band if I dare call them a band.


I grab the Juggalo by the throat and beat the holy fuck out of them.
by Mr. Zimpy July 15, 2010
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Well, to start off, I've met a fair amount of Juggalos in my time and most of the ones I've seen are, well to put this as nicely as possible, faggots. I'm not saying they all are, but from what I've heard and experienced most are. A few think they're hardasses but they really aren't. They say they would die for there Juggalo family but they're lying. They preform petty crimes they think they are going to get away with and the few I've met try to pick fights with people they know they can't win. In reality the Juggalo Family is really just a fakeass gang, who will probably get shot up by Crips or Bloods or the Mafia.
Juggalo = A weird ass kid who shares smiliar traits with Emos but have a different taste in music.
by Fuckwititbitchjuggalos September 5, 2008
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White trash hill billy adults who yell "whoop whoop" at each other while splashing grape Faygo on each other's clown makeup. Whoever buys more expensive or rare ICP merchandise is the bigger Juggalo. The quest to becoming the greatest Juggalo ever is by buying as much ICP merchandise and Psychopathic Records merchandise as you can.

Only once you buy 10,000 dollars worth of Juggalo merchandise, can you be considered a true Juggalo.
"I bought a half drunken bottle of grape Faygo that Violent J drank out of in 1998 off of Ebay therefore I am a true Juggalo."
by boozec April 11, 2010
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Actually a juggalowlife, they always say MMFCL, which stands for more mother fuckin clown losers. a juggalo will have nothing but ICP for there wardrobe and will usually practice poor hygiene and grammar. any penny they make goes to ICP merch. They never heard of any other bands or music outside of ICP. they believe anything the gay twins will say from the band. Juggalowlifes will make the most stupid remarks to what you have to say and will always think ICP is the best and would die for them.
The juggalowlife sure can pump gas and suck dick.
by patar fwee fwee August 30, 2009
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ICP fankids who have smoked themselves stupid and who can't tell the difference between a hatchet and a meat cleaver.

The Psychopathic man is holding a MEAT CLEAVER. Clearly.
Dude 1: "That juggalo is really reppin' the Hatchet."

Dude 2: "Too bad he's too stoned to notice it's a meat cleaver, huh?"
by Anterrabae March 8, 2009
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Posers who usually don't have real problems but try to create them for themselves to seem "hardcore". They use Halloween as an excuse to paint their faces like retards and go have a "bomb" time. Juggalos are usually good people until they decide to become total retards and do drugs and drink just to fit in and make a status for themselves within their group of twisted friends. Juggalos don't have real friends either. They use each other for weed and rides and sometimes alcohol. They don't do anything to make their lives better and hide out behind their "hardcore" music and drug habits. They're too lazy to get jobs but have crazy ambitions that will obviously never come true. Some of them are smart but don't want anyone to know because god forbid you pass school. They claim that it is not a cult or religion, yet they act like they worship "The Hatchet". Juggalos are usually too brainwashed to understand how fucking dumb they really sound when they talk about fatass clowns who rap about weed, pussy, and pubic hair.
by chickensh1thead November 11, 2009
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