To be annoying to someone else, or to get someone else mad. Also used as the ultimate ponage word (even more affective then pwnzorafied1337h4xatroned).

The word, joe mama(x5), mainly conveys that you are not listening to someone else's negative, or worthless, comments.
Random man 1: Dude, sup homie corndog?
Random man 2: uhh.... nuttin' much, actually!
Random man 1: You know what? i had the most boring day in my life! I got pwoned by someone saying that im a pwoink! i--(keeps yammering, or talking trash....)
Random man 2 (in his head): *Joe mama joe mama joe mama joe mama joe mama joe mama..*
by Cauterize May 17, 2007
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A weird kinda Karen used in a roast battle and is used by 9 year olds and is used to trick people into saying joe who
Joe mama so fat
by Cheesiecheetos February 26, 2020
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Joe's Mama is one of the nicest, most generous people in the whole world. She became very famous after 6th graders made their names Joe on Kahoot, to be followed by the teacher asking

"Who's Joe?"

To then be answered by "JOE MAMA". Sadly Joe him self continued to become a drug dealer because of his past. only ever being known of his mama.
*Joe at a job interview*

Tim Cook "so whats your name?"

Joe "Joe"

Tim Cook: "wait...."

Joe " Don't say it"

Tim Cook: "JOE MAMA"

*Joe continued to jump out of apple headquarters, Tim Cook continued to call...... JOE'S MAMA
by User1050 February 23, 2021
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The great roast of a young individual who is a legend

It is played when someone shall play the card of joe

The other shall say joe who

Then the man the moth the legend shall respond with joe mama.

You are the most epic gamer if you shall play these cards.
Teacher *takes attendance*

Teacher “did i miss anyone’s name”
The man the moth the legend “oh you forgot joe
The teacher “joe who
The man the moth the legend “JOE MAMA
by CspGang November 8, 2019
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Joe mama
Joe mama
by Manuel🐜🦟 October 9, 2019
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Joe mama is a joke usually performed my middle schoolers, the joke will most likely start of with a conversation with two people, a random person will come up an ask you the question "whose Joe". Most likely the people in the conversation will yell "JOE MAMA"
Person: "whose Joe"?

Immature kid in class: "JOE MAMA".
by big_brain.user69 October 24, 2019
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