1: left over smoke in the chamber of a bong after a cone has been pulled.

2: Riding a bike at full speed towards a jump/ ramp and jumping off the back of it just before it launches into the air with no-one on it.
1: person; "hey dude, pull the ghostie, stop wasting my weed."

2: Person; "Hey man, we found an old bike down at the park, wanna come ghostie it into the lake?"
by Richie Benaud March 7, 2012
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a word made by the internet, anything labeled or called ghosty represents the pinnacle of epicness.

resubi and soundkiller are similar words.

resy and soundy are mixes of the three words
wow, that shit's ghosty.
by james hubert engelbert April 26, 2009
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A Ghostie is a term used for when you drop a log in the toilet and when you turn around to view it. It's gone!
I went to the bathroom earlier to spend a penny and when I looked to admire it, it was gone. Hence Ghostie.
by Lord Jobby July 2, 2019
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A person from West Oaklands "Ghost Town" hood
person 1: Ey where's he from?
person 2: He from Ghost Town, he's a ghostie
by yadidimean December 5, 2007
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Something or someone that it's supposed to form part of a group and to be known but it isn't. Something unknown or ignored by many. A John Doe. Comes from Ghost; not seen
Queen's - That's a fuckin' ghostie school.
I didn't see playing a lot, you where ghosting' around- you where John Doieng' a fuckin' lot.
by Tu Mama November 29, 2003
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A Battlefield 1942 clan led by |Ghost|PrivateRodent
and |Ghost|PickledDungHeap
and |Ghost|Antares
Hey those Ghosty faggots just team killed me
by |Ghost|PrivateRodent November 29, 2004
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