Gabriella is a RIDE OR DIE that's for sure. But only if she loves you. if she doesn't... just don't talk to her, you'll regret it. Besides that she is a beautiful girl with dark brown hair, glistening brown eyes and she may be small. You don't want to get into a fight with her tho. She will kick your ass.
you can use Gabriella in a sentese like a name sincs it is one
by ya gara December 1, 2021
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Nice tits and nice ass usually likes guys that name starts with a j. Super out going and nice.
by Sweetpea29 February 17, 2021
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Is an optimistic, and cheerful person. Gabriella's are usually born with the gift of the *gab* Or- Gift of the GABriella.
Most Gabriella's have brown hair and green eyes. Their eyes are the window to exactly what they are feeling. Fiercely loyal, Gabriella's are the best friends you could ever have.
Only downside is that they they are described as -- Niave, or innocent. They are very submissive and look up to, and admire people who they think are stronger or smarter then them. Gabriella's don't usually talk about anyone badly, as they follow the rule * What comes around, goes around*
Gabriella's are awesome.
Person 1-- Omgg look at the puppy dog eyes!
Person 2- Such a gabriella.


Person 1-- Omg she's so...happy!
Person 2-- She's a gabriella, what did you expect?
by falleninlovewithgabriella November 2, 2011
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Gabriella is a nice, kind, energetic, and fun girl who is shy at first but when you get to know her is a fun person to be around. She has to have her cup of coffee. Can be a bitch.
That Gabriella girl can be the life of the party. Or shy.
by Ryguy1105 September 9, 2019
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The sweetest and most prettiest girl you will ever see. Most Gabriellas have best friends who’s names start with S. You can trust Gabriella and are great friends
“Is that Gabriella?”
Yeah! she is awesome ?
by Samaviya and Sarah June 12, 2019
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The most beautiful girl you will ever meet. She's smart, funny, stupid as well, and outgoing. She can also be very loud. She falls in love very fast, but once she gets a man, she will only love him. She is against cheating and having kids at the age of 16. she loves playing video games and being on her phone. She also loves babies. She loves spending time with friends and family. She can also be very mean sometimes, so watch out. And last, she hates putting up with peoples stuff.
Gabriella loves babies.
by Lover1238 October 8, 2019
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The cutest of all of the cutie pies. Gabriella couldn’t be any cuter if she tried. In 2019 Gabriella was voted Cutie of the world for the 6th time in a row and will defend her title with ease this year. With her cute little face and her even cuter smile, she will dazzle everyone she meets with her cuteness.
‘Nothing is cuter than Gabriella’ - Mary (Gabriella’s Grandma)
‘I’m in awe of the cuteness of Gabriella’ - Mayor of Cutesville
by Anonymouscuteness July 2, 2020
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