A greeting for Crusty ass white people who be fiendin' for drugs. I means whats up my nigga in cracka speack
by SliepnirYellowBeard February 9, 2009
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Slang for "cracker lacking" meaning that the party or event is lacking in the attendance of Crackers (lame white people in the eyes of urban black community); insinuating that the party only has hip fun-loving black people.
"Man," said Marty "This party's Crackalackin'!"
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The vibrant sound and visual image of one buttock cheek rubbing against the opposite cheek, as in the sense of an individual who is running very quckly to serve their superior, with the potential punishment of the crack of a whip on same said buttocks by same said superior. 2. The distinct order to hurry up at whatever your task is, or to prepare for swift and severe punishment. 3. An endearing motivational term used by pimps and drug lords to gain desired results from their toadies.
Ex: Get yo ass crackalackin. If you don't wan't an ass-smackin, you betta get ta crackalackin. May also be spelled Krackalackin in certain parts of the world. Term grew in popularity from its recent use in a Rob Zombie animated feature The Haunted World of El Superbeasto.
by Ricky Casino July 3, 2010
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