Greek/ Latin in Origin. This name means "annoited christian". It's pronounced (kris-TEEN-ah). It is the most beautiful name to a girl.
When Christina was listening to music in the empty seat, I nervously sat next to her.

Christina's smile was as bright as the sun shining above me.
by potreal34 September 7, 2007
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most christinas are agressive. they hate to loose and refuse to. they care about their friends, but are pretty non-caring about any one else. christina always has her friends back and will throw hands for any of her friends. moat christinas are gorgeous with beautiful eyes.

watch out for christinas if you have beef with them. they will be ready to throw hands at any point in time. christinas are heartbreakers, but treats her boyfriend right. she is a great girlfriend and an amazing friend.
girl: “ew its that christina girl.”
boy: “shes so fine
girl: “i wanna fight her”
boy: “thats not a good idea
by tittybittythottie March 19, 2018
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A super hot girl usualy hard to get. Perfect body, hyper, sexy, very funny, and loves to have a good time. Usualy the number 1 girl in school that everyone wants.
Guy1: DAYM who's that???
Guy2: thats christina
Guy1: I wanna get with her :D
by Daaviid =D February 27, 2009
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Christina is a lovely girl. She is kind to everyone and puts others before herself. She is very pretty and has blue beautiful eyes including some yellow. She has beautiful eyes and beautiful face. You are very lucky if you become friends with a Christina. She is loving and kind to everyone. She gives the best hugs and appreciates everything. She is very smart and good at every subject, she is also very talented.
Christina is my best friend
I love Christina!
by Jamison :) August 11, 2018
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A person who has there friends do her homework. She is the devil and won’t let you win a fight. However sometimes a little good can shine through, she can help resolve problems in your life.
Omg your such a Christina, you don’t always do your work but your a major help to my mental well being.
by Jack star November 8, 2019
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an extremely AWESOME person. so much fun to be around, and so freakishly awesome. christinas tend to be really funny and cool, and so cool
wow i really wanna hang out with christina today. she is so awesome!

omg you are so cool! you must be a christina!
by randomgiraffelover May 10, 2009
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Beautiful, Georgous, Pretty. She is loved by every guy she meets. Generally Christina's flirts alot with out noticing it and it causes every guy to love her. Christina is amazing.
Have you seen Christina?
yeah shes over there with all those guys
oh...well i know why they like her...
well duhh its because shes so pretty
by carmel and crunch December 29, 2010
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