A delicious shot made up of 1 part tequila, 1.5 parts of amaretto and 1.5 parts of butterscotch schnapps.
Last night we were downing buttery nutsacks until we couldn't see tsraight.
by rays11fan June 21, 2010
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The act of lubricating your veiny, girthy shaft with a melted, moist ©Land O Lakes stick of butter and proceeding to stuffing your buttered-up cock into that tight vagina (starchy sex is the best sex).
In order to bring some much needed life into our marriage, I surprised my wife with the good ol' Wisconsin Buttery.
by HugeBallGirth February 26, 2016
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When ones partner gets two sticks of butter and inserts one into the anus and uses the second stick of butter as lubricant for a handjob.
"Dude, that chick, Jessica, gave me a buttery jack yesterday!"
by BerserkBun February 25, 2015
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A buttery Poptart is when a girl takes a shit, does not wipe, and then gets fucked in the asshole with a lubricated dick, so when the man pulls out, his dick looks like a chocolate poptart with butter on it.
My friend kellen made a buttery Poptart with his girlfriend while Adam watched.
by LittleBIGloverX November 18, 2015
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The sexually charged positive EMOTION males receive when they have not ejaculated for an extended period of time. When said male does ejaculate, the final product is referred to as "Nutter Butter." The term is derived from the slang term "Busting a Nut" and that lovable food item: peanut butter.
Female: How do you feel today David?

David: When I look at you, I feel all Nuttery Buttery.
by Rusty-Spoon January 10, 2010
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When a wealthy man covers himself with Butter and screams "Im a buttery billionaire"
"Buddy Butterman of Butterman's Butters just sold his company for one billion dollars, he screams Im a Buttery Billionaire"
by Batman D Superman April 16, 2008
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