Aria Sexiest girl around. Have you seen her?
I can't get the image of those baby blues out my head.I swear this girl has a Pirate smile.
by Joe May 6, 2005
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Former Denver Nuggets star. Brings it every game.
Michael Jordan: Holy shit, what was that blur of amazingness that blew by me?
Passerby: Oh. That's Ryan Bowen.
by Stan Greer August 30, 2006
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A slang word for a really fit girl.
Holy fuck did you see that Eleanor Bowen?”
by Nig Kurh June 17, 2019
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A person who claim urban hood life but grew up in gated white communities
by ZeeZeeDaVillain November 28, 2019
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Quite possibly the dirtiest player in the NBA. The worst thing to happen to the NBA in a long, long time.
Rob: "WHAT THE EFF?! Did you see Bruce Bowen just knee Steve Nash in the crotch?"
Bob: "Yeah, but I'm not surprised. He's Bruce Bowen, dude. That's what he DOES."
by What it is May 17, 2007
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A small island located just west of Horsehoe Bay, Canada. The population consits mainly of aging hippies and artists. great place in the summer, providing your a member of the Tunstal Bay Club. Stupid 40 kmh speed limit. Great bush parties. Teen Club...dont even bother..
Julia- Where are you from?
Dave- Bowen island..
Julia- Oh..Shitty man..
by Jules April 23, 2003
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