A chick who wont let you die first and will make sure she dies before you die.
I wanna die first but savannah pattison wont let me
by UwURaglu February 10, 2020
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The most gorgeous girl you'll ever meet. She is one you can be mad at but still love. Her smile can make your day instantly. She is an amazing person who will always be there for you. She never fails to cheer you up when you're down. She's funny and sweet and you'll never find someone like her. Cherish all the time you get with her.
I love Savannah Font
by astrobby July 1, 2019
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Savannah leann is one of the most special girls youll ever meet. There normally Burnett with brown eyes. If you ever see a savannah leann she will most likely have blonde highlights. Trust me they will fit her. Sje is the most sweetest girl youll meet. But dont piss a savannah off or shell beat tf outta you. Oh and thet make wonderful girlfriends Get your self a savannah and you will greatly appreciate her as a friend, Bestfriend, or girlfriend.
Guy: damn dude who is that she hot asf
Other guy: thats savannah, shes hella nice
Girl:...yeah ik, bc thats my girlfriend now back tf off
Savannah leann- is a wonderful hella hot girl
by Gangta_gurl101 May 16, 2018
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The most “two-faced” girl you will ever meet (in a good way). I say this cuz she is so kind and shy to people who don’t know her too well, but the second she gets out of school and onto those damn signature cruises of hers... Shit’s. Goin. Down. Everyone knows her for her cruises. She parties, drinks, dances, plays, and works hard until she drops dead. She is the definition of “Work hard. Play hard”. All the guys at school always stare at her beauty or secretly take pictures of her ass and she doesn’t have a clue. She has dark brown hair ( it almost looks black) and is never pale or “washed out”. She has absolutely no interest in guys younger than her cuz she knows they’re too immature for her. She gets straight A’s in school without even trying cuz she’s just THAT GIRL. She’s always down to talk. Go to her for advice cuz she always knows what to do. She will never lie to you ( except maybe about her past). Become friends with her and you won’t regret it. Marry that girl cus I can’t...
Guy 1: look at her, she’s so fun and just flat out gorgeous

Guy 2: yeah I know, she’s such a Savannah McGuire
by Swirrlygymnast1424 October 21, 2020
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The perfect person to be around. She is always amazing in so many ways. She can make any person smile by just her presence, literally being there can make someone happy on the inside. She is also an amazing kisser. She is a beautiful human being and most of her peers love her, the ones who don't are just jealous.:))
Omg I heard that Lennox likes Savannah Masek
by Realboy264 September 23, 2021
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A fantastic girl that catches feelings not so easily but is desperate for love and affection. Usually a girl with this name is wealthy loud and obnoxious bonus points if she lives in shousin hill
Hey it’s savannah wong
by 6ty9ine March 28, 2021
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