That one kid that looks like a Mexican rip off of Justin beiber and thinks he gets all the girls and has a small pee pee
by Janiel padaniel October 27, 2019
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Is the biggest goon going who like to dress as a vsco girl in his spare time sksksks
Daniel is a good friend
by Kiwi m August 23, 2019
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Daniel is a weird person. She has many layers and it is kind of hard to get her to open up. She has a bad home life and cracks dark jokes about it. She can also be the nicest. She loves her friends. She listens to Fall Out Boy and Panic! At the Disco. She can get hurt ealisy but never likes to show it. She is a curse and a blessing to have in your life.
Daniel is such a die heart fan of Fall Out Boy.
by Meh_190 November 23, 2018
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Daniels are very funny and a blast to be around. They constantly joke and if a group chat dies, they’re normally the ones to revive them. They are athletic and very fit, however are normally the ones to cheat in a relationship. This is due to a wondering eye, but don’t let that put you off a Daniel, because if you have one in your life you’re lucky to still have them. It can hurt when a Daniel finishes he relationship because they’re just perfect. But they are the bestest friend anyone could ask for
“Daniel is very good looking, you’re lucky to have him/her!”
by AlienFromArea51 July 26, 2019
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My hubby
He is a nice lazy ass hole

You're so lucky to have a Daniel
Treat him like king
Je might be a serial killer but,
Ya love him
Also his dick is big-
Me: Daniel is my husband
by Bean bean 123n September 22, 2019
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