A "blur effect" is a psychological state in which an individual experiences a distorted perception of reality, causing everything and everyone in their surroundings to appear hazy and indistinct. This condition is often marked by narcissistic and bipolar tendencies, as the person becomes detached from others, seemingly looking past everyone, and is primarily focused on their own emotions and desires, causing disruptions in their relationships and behaviors.
In the midst of the blur effect, the individual's world becomes a hazy and disconnected realm where everything and everyone appear indistinct, and they predominantly fixate on their own emotions and desires, exhibiting narcissistic and bipolar tendencies.
by Xanderoloucious October 25, 2023
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When someone makes a really bad joke or pun that completely derails everyone else's train of thought.
Person 1: oh, I've been meaning to tell you something..
Person 2: *interrupts with bad joke*
Person 1: ah, I , ah, wait what was I say, you Blake effected me
by Ahfritzy October 1, 2017
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The aftermath of a heart rate zone 2 exercise in which loud chanting and hand symbols will elevate the exercise to a rigorous heart rate zone 5 in which the body will start to perspire in excess. Teague Effect can only be experienced in settings in which two or more individuals are present.
Brian experienced a strong Teague Effect following his stationary bike exercise.
by mommysmilk June 9, 2023
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When removing a woman’s bra and/or thong, you use a zigzag/Zoro Z pattern when pulling the fabric away from the breasts or butt
Charles used the zoro effect to remove Nancy’s panties and bra exposing her tight buttocks and firm breasts
by WormforFish May 25, 2021
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The feeling of disgust after climax when watching porn. Dubbed "The Shyamalan Effect" because, like M. Knight Shyamalan's movies, masturbation has a mediocre twist ending that makes you question why you wasted time on it.
Some Guy: Yo y'know that feeling when you splooge and like immediately feel gross?

Me, an Intellectual: Ahhh yes.. The Shyamalan Effect.
by exoheck July 15, 2018
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When your workplace fucks you harder than the town bike but you think you're still in front
He thought he deserved that promotion but we all knew he was being absolutely raped. The Townley Effect had him by the ballbag
by #BA DDTB November 3, 2022
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The observation that one can’t be right without some degree of completely contradictory stupidity involved.
A: What the hell put Trump into power?
B: Fuck, if I know...
A: It’s so stupid. His whole campaign was the dumbest shit ever.
B: Maybe that’s how he won.
C: *raises nerd glasses* Umm, actually, you’re merely noting a common correlation: The Stupid Effect. Please get back to me when someone(s) finds a proper causal link.
by angeredcanadian69 December 28, 2018
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