Opening a new tab only to realize you have no idea why you opened it.
I had to look up something on the google, but as soon as I opened a new tab I instantly got tab amnesia, stared at my screen a minute, and viewed some porn instead.
by tabber February 16, 2012
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When you smack a girl in the face with your dick. Grew in popularity in certain areas of NJ after it happening to a girl Tabatha.
Person 1: Yo, this girl keeps buggin the sh-t outta me
Person 2: F-ck it, next time you see her tab smack that bitch, i bet that'll get her to leave you alone.
by TR420 July 6, 2009
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derives from - Tab (cigarette in newcastle upon tyne )

a period of time in which the individual smokes a cigarette

also available as allocated time in an individual's day in which to smoke a tab
eyy, yous goin outside for tab time?
yeah areet i'll 'ave a smoke
by welovelewiscapaldi August 3, 2019
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Somebody who has a fuck-ton of BDSM porno open all at once in their browser.
Girl 1: "He opened up his laptop so we could watch Netflix, and it was all like Fifty Tabs of Grey!"
Girl 2: "Eeewww"
by photogriphiff March 18, 2018
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A tab which you flip upside down when opening a fresh box, this is the tab you smoke last that nobody can have saves on
Mark: Give me saves on that tab bro

Me: No that’s my lucky tab
by Bants124 December 30, 2022
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When you open your computer after a night of heavy drinking, and only then remember what sites you visited the night before.
by Palomino1 October 2, 2020
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Trimming out a boat to get on plane faster.
Ricky: “Yeah I dropped the tabs on this guy, never saw him again.”
Jimmy: “Wow buddy that’s great. Fill it 100 octane?”

“Drop the tabs”
by Howyabeendoin October 11, 2020
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