When a man has such an excessive amount of chest hair that it "creeps out" over the collar of his shirt.
Eew, I can tell just by the collar creepers that the rest of his body is probably hairy as an ape. Yuck.
by Saskia999 April 27, 2017
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Ottawa collar: a sink bruise caused by a necktie worn during sex. Non-specific to the active or receptive partner.
You look like you had a big night, that's quite the Ottawa collar.

Please pull gently on my tie, I've a meeting tomorrow and don't want an Ottawa collar.
by CharliePigHamm November 2, 2021
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When a conversation or interaction escalates beyond the point of polite disagreement, and your best option is to a provide raw, direct, and straightforward response.
When I found out she went behind my back and lied about the situation, I went blue collar on her.
by O.Really November 8, 2020
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Sophisticated crime done by the technologically advanced cyber Hacker.
They've broken through the firewalls, our counter attacks have been corrupt. The tech collar criminals have complete control of the network and all systems we’re locked out.
by Nico Suavacito May 19, 2021
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Those who continue their work life by working at home
Most of white collars turned into fiber collars due to virus outbreak
by AkaDedektif April 1, 2020
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What is sometimes said to describe one of the most physical conferences of Division I athletics, also known as the A10.
Those athletes don’t know what is coming for them this year. The Saint Louis University boys are ready to dominate the Blue Collar Conference.
by Theathlete May 1, 2021
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A fashion choice of rugby fans, usually associated with polo shirts, who spend most of there time in the toilet and very little time fixing there nose. The correct dress sense is also accompanied by the correct laddish body language such as; Mouth grabbing, arms behind head, or squeezing there faces!
by NotSoSmartPerson May 15, 2018
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