n. a mental state in which a person is so detached from the world they believe they are in a perpetual Thursday and constantly crave breakfast. Often a side-effect of psychedelics and or high frequency marijuana use.
I woke up, or thought I did, hungry as usual, scrounging around what appeared to be my home for something to eat. I wondered for a moment, where am I? Who am I? Why am I here? The only thing I was certain of it was time for a Thursday Breakfast.
by Kosmonaught January 19, 2009
Gjergday is a spin on Jersey Shore's "Jersday Thursday". Only people with the last name Gjergji can celebrate it.
by Geokid March 30, 2011
A secret code originated by the teamsters back in the 1970s, forcing every ups driver to have sex with a least one person of the same sex, the last Thursday of every month, twice in the month of June, to help celebrate juneteeth. a driver will be terminated immediately for not following protocol. Any driver that has completed the amazing feat of sexually servicing every customer on there route, will get to go to a sporting event of their choice and all the beverages they can enjoy! Ups thirsty Thursday was lit!!!
Yo mountain, congrats on completing that amazing feat!!! Bud lite at the vols game on me!!! It's ups thirsty Thursday bitches!!!
by Lilrichard123 May 11, 2023
When a guy has a thicc female friend he will post her on social media on thursdays. One shall not post themselves.
by Omg let me in November 19, 2020
A Thursday night spent consuming alcohol with friends as to prove to them that your actions from the previous Thursday do not properly reflect your social well-being while under the influence.
"Abby will be attending a Redemption Thursday party tomorrow to make up for her poor demonstration of exhibiting alcohol tolerance last Thursday"
by Mr. 2 Shoes November 29, 2011
by yonger November 14, 2019
by boys2men69420 June 12, 2020