A retarded guy who got stuck in the 70's fashion. He thinks he's really smart, but he's actually a loser who carpools with his dad or make his mom drop him off of work.
He must be Brett.. meaning his retarded.
by h.yoto April 26, 2022
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Dumbass pot addict who sends nudes as streaks
by Lillur May 7, 2019
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We had a total Brett call into Sony customer service today, he yelled at Shelly and demanded to speak with a manager. Something about posting on Reddit and not getting the support he needed.
by supergriff77 November 23, 2021
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A mf hick who only dates hoes and can’t read
“Brett what does that say”
“Bro it says tree tf ?”
by Your homie dessa ;) June 3, 2020
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