Sexy ass white boy who has weed problems and thinks he is a hoodrat
Oh look there goes white boy brayden
by Eat drugs November 24, 2021
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Pretty white boy with weed problems and rescues birds now i guess <3
OI brayden
by Eat drugs November 24, 2021
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A gay man who is a wanna be HypeBeast. He will cheat on you if you date him. He is so annoying, you just want to scream. He just needs a high five in the face with a metal chair.
Friend: Why are you crying

Me: Brayden!
by 707's bf December 20, 2019
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she is a dino boy lover she like to make your mad at night and she like to draw and has blue eyes she is a bitch and is a dumbass
it is used in a name like Brayden
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Brayden is the best different breed person you could ever meet, he is very upfront n honest, if you can't handle it, it won't work out ." FUCK OFF" AS A BRAYDEN WILL SAY!!
by Yunnngboiii March 12, 2023
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A guy that can be very mean to those he’s close with and will cut off everyone for his amazing hot girlfriend. He can be very strange at times but has a massive 9 inch penis to compensate for it. He is usually blond with blue eyes and they can often have curly hair. Usually if one has curly hair they are a little special in the head though.
Did you see that girl Brayden pulled?
by April 14, 2022
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That one mf with the 1989 Honda Prelude
"Look it's Brayden in his ugly ass 1989 Honda Prelude!"
by egglicker22 January 30, 2023
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