She who's awfully afraid of huge Reploid dogs from the year 21XX and shows *real tears*
Mecha cow is such a n00b
by EEEEEeeeeee November 27, 2003
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A hot lunch, but with tin foil instead of seran wrap.
Come get your mecha hot lunch.
by greengrounds December 25, 2009
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Latin slang, cheap-looking, not classy
Girl 1: Check out that hoodrat across the street...

Girl 2: Omg, she's so chi chi mecha.
by #BJ April 15, 2011
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"Mandale mecha" refers to the request from an A person to a B person to just "Blaze it" now refering to the Joint/Blunt, or how Argentineans call it "Troncho"/"Porro"/"Vela"/Etc.
A: Hey! I just got some porro! You're in?
B: Sure mate! Mandale mecha!
by DonLanz January 23, 2018
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A name typically used as an insult meaning homosexual, incel, or, as later adapted, tryhard gamer.

It was coined during World War 2, in 1937, and was used as a humorous insult between soldiers, but was also heavily used to insult those they saw as gay during the 1900's.
Dude, stop. You're being such a Mecha.

Hey, do you mind? I don't want to have sex with you, you disgusting Mecha.
by pls don't reject August 22, 2019
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