Author of an obscure book titled: "Brown Spots On the Wall" which eventually was elevated to cult status.
Powerful, accurate scratch and sniff cards are issued with the once obscure, but now wildly popular book; "Brown Spots On The Wall", lovingly penned by Asian author Hu Flung Pu
by Bosundave121 July 18, 2022
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The act of lunging away from the toilet while simultaneously flushing. This usually while on a business or other formal phone call so that other party is not made aware you have been defecating for the entire conversation.
I was taking a dump while talking on the phone and had to do the flunge when was done so that I he wouldn't know!!
by The Jigg is up March 9, 2018
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Example: She flunged the ball to her sisters nose without realizing.
by MindScientists January 31, 2023
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What you lunge to smack that ass.
Yo dad gimme a minute i gotta go Flung Bung} that ass over there.
by BungFoosius August 14, 2016
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