When someone is being a cunt and they yell all the time.
Man 1-How was the party?
Man 2-Good until Jerry started being a thunder cunt.
by POLARBOSS July 10, 2016
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A person who is a douche bag or bitch on a level that exceeds normal acceptable standards.
I can't stand her attitude, she yells at me for everything, worst roommate ever, what a thunder cunt. Do you hear that? Its thunderous cunt storm on its way. I can feel it in my bones.
by señor taco October 29, 2013
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1) a cunt that automatically vibrates when fucked.
2) a dick that is constantly fucked by a cunt like thunder
3) an insult
1) Dude can i borrow your thunder cunt
2) Omg U have one hell of a thunder cunt
3) U such a thunder cunt u dick fucking asshole shit fucker.
by Audri and Jess January 15, 2005
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A Gang having its origins in Fort Wayne Indiana
;the most bad ass people in the 260'

"What are ass people?"
Used in a sentence;
So i was at the OMNIVORES concert and i'm pretty sure that band is in the thunder cunts
by OMNIVORES December 17, 2010
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