A liger with an extremely fucked up tooth. Also used as a euphamism for "Holy Shit"
"I just banged three vietnamese cows..."
"Ooohhh snaggle-toothed liger!"
by adamg04 September 4, 2006
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something u randomly say on the beach. a cross between a tiger, lion and a big pus
ahhhhhhhhh ha ha ha PUSSY LIGERRRRRRRRRR
by the riveria April 8, 2007
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Meaning crazed. Crazy, wild, insane (in a bad way) crazy angry and offensive. It is a cool sounding mix between belligerent and buck-wild.
"Yo, that mother fucker was getting all buck-ligerent on your ass when you started hitten on his girl."
by Kgirl2012 December 30, 2010
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That one Tamil friend that no one talks about but makes the friend group look attractive.
Hey Jerome your a liger a dirty dirty liger come on and pick up the cotton.
by Ulla tunji August 26, 2022
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