JayLynn is the hottest kindest funnyest girl you'll ever meet if your lucky enough to date her you will be the first one she loves and she will never abandon you
Dam JayLynn is looking thick today.
by Datcoolhotboy November 22, 2020
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A beautiful girl with a heart made of gold , very humble and has a charming personality. Loyal and very caring for the ones she loves. Has a beautiful smile that will light the room up!
Oh wow , You see that girl over there? That’s Jaylynn Gutierrez! You’ll be one lucky fella if you date her
by Book nerd April 24, 2021
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Jaylynne is the definition of a chad and iPad kid. Gross. I wonder why her parents don’t put her in the adoption center.🙁
Did you hear about Jay/Jaylynne? What an iPad kid.
by McMaster189828 April 5, 2021
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(Male) jaylynn is a funny, caring, shy, very talented, amazing, awesome, and extremely loyal. He loves his friends and his family very dearly and holds them very dearly to his heart. And if your dating him or are best friends keep him close to your hearts and mever let him go because you will miss him dearly.
Guy1:wait... is that jaylynn

Guy2: wait.. yea that is jaylynn

Guy2: yo, i heard he is like super duper loyal to his friends and he is amazing abd very talented
Guy1 hey, wanna go ask him if he can hangout with us?
Guy2:sure why not
by Jaylynn (male) August 30, 2018
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A young woman who likes to act as though she is better than everyone else, when in reality she's just as poor, disrespectful, and unable to take responsibility for her mistakes as any other girl. She likes to boss people who are older than herself, in order to make herself feel better. She is extremely pretty on the outside but that changes nothing about how ugly her inside is.
MAN 1: "damn dude. Who's that gorgeous blonde?"
MAN 2: " Don't even bother browsing, she's a Jaylynn"
MAN 1: EW.
by NoLongerASpringChicken November 28, 2022
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A depressed red haired bisexual who’s only personality is listening to Taylor swift working at target and rubbing the bean with her cat Peluso.
Hey has anyone seen Jaylynn Valencia? No she’s rubbing her bean. (At target)
by Cletus Bartholomewl January 11, 2022
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