word to describe the most boring, annoying, odd, weird, uninteresting, tiresome, unexciting, spiritless human that has ever walked this planet.
Tyler D. is lame, he is so lame he's in a social club.
by TheLamest101 March 3, 2015
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1. Someone who shields themselves from fun too often. Esp. when rejecting propositions for weak reasons.
Person 1: Hey, wanna go to that new club?
Person 2: No thanks, I have a project I need to get started.
Person 1: Don't be lame, you can work on it tomorrow.
by Snesdude October 10, 2012
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Noun: A responsible homebody, introvert, who is content with work, and domestic life. Someone who likes to stay home and rather than go out and act a fool or spend wrecklessly.

Adjective: Descriptive if said qualities in a person.
Babe, you're such a lame, and that is why I love being with you.

He's so lame.
by Bekkiwiththegoodhair December 19, 2017
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An expression used to cut people off when they are talking about something uninteresting or you just feel like being a douche.
- Hey dude I just got this--
- I just got--
-*cries then commits suicide*
by FISHYFOO February 15, 2010
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loser, dweeb, nerd, Chukez, lamonhead, waka-flaka-lame, anyone who is out of touch and socially awkward.
Yo that kid Jahmar is so lame, he has no steez whatsoever.
by Chukes January 2, 2011
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To be excited for Home Depot's 30% off low flow toilet event.
Question: Is it lame that I'm excited for Home Depot's 30% off low flow toilet event?
Answer: Yes. Yes it is.
by chump2121 August 12, 2010
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Something that is extremely boring or bad; something that appears to be the source of all lameness. See the suck.
"These graphics suck, this game is totally the lame."
by Seph November 5, 2002
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