An extra flavorant commonly found in oriental restaurants having either stressed-out or excessively bored kitchen staff.
I can't decide what I object to most about this hot and sour soup...the loo gee sauce or the MSG!
by Mahreeo April 17, 2006
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A derogatory name for customers, usually of Indian descent (or those who are from that general region) who pronounce the abbreviation of gigabytes as “GEE bees” as opposed to “gigs”. Usually used by retail workers of electronics stores such as Best Buy.
Hey Chris, I’ve got a Gee Bee in the laptop section asking for a discount, can you call over a manager to take of it.

Watch out for the Gee Bees, they are notoriously cheap and usually smell of curry.
by TLA2 January 3, 2019
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An expression meant to show a strong feeling of surprise.
Gee Willikers Creedence! Why haven't you cleaned your room yet?!
by Cinnabonlord September 2, 2022
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The process of modifying things to find out what they do without fully understanding the consequences of such actions. Driven by a strong sense of curiosity without a strong knowledge base. Usually performed by the most unqualified people in production environments. It can be as simple as flicking a switch, or performing computer modifications. Consequences are usually significant, such as lost revenue, or even the loss of life.
Richard to himself: "Gee... I wonder what this does.", while changing the port of a website.

Frank: Do you know why the site is down?
Tom: It looks like Richard was Gee Finger Poking in IIS again.
by Drew11766 July 11, 2006
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A state of sheer and utter drunken-ness. People who are Dead Gee are more than likely not be able to control themselves, and are usually blackout.
John: "I don't remember a thing last night."

Mike: "Yeah, after taking those shots you were ultimate dead gee."

John: "Nice."
by Ultimate Gee April 14, 2011
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Person that gets everything depends on their looks.
It can also be define as a person that is so good looking that every men/women will fall into her/him at the first sight.
Can also being referred as a gorgeous, elegant, tall cool, kind person.
You’re such a gee wern!!
You’re so lucky to get to date gee wern !!
by Sohighhhhhh November 22, 2021
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boy: I've hit gc3 in rocket league!!!
boy 2: !!!
boy: gee cee threeing your mom!
by notedogg2112 September 16, 2022
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