The toxic side of Harry Styles' fandom. They sexualize him, call people "delusional" (a serious mental illness) for having their own opinion and they're more obsessed with Louis Tomlinson and his fanbase than they are with their own idol and fanbase.
"I don't like toxic henries, they're more obsessed with Louis than his own fans are"
"Yeah, I don't like them either, they bring up Louis even when he's not even metioned and sexualise Harry when he's told them multiple times that it makes him uncomfortable
by AFellowOT5 October 12, 2020
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A place in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, where sluts and meth heads roam free. Everybody knows everyone and half of the kids who can’t score fuck their goats instead
Henry county is the best. We can fuck our goats and then the whole team
by Pp boi February 13, 2019
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Henry Clay is a drinking game, combining the games of flip cup and power-hour. From 4-8 people is best, and each person is on his/her own team. Instead of messing with the up-down-up foolishness that accompanies flip cup, once the song changes on the power hour, the competitors know when to drink and flip. The last one to flip is eliminated. Keep playing till you get a champion, and then start a new game without interrupting the power hour. Note: Even though a competitor can be elimated, he/she must drink every time a song changes.
Connor always lost at Henry Clay because he was never ready for power hour song change.
by Boone Slug June 29, 2011
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A cheap male prostitute, named after a line from Shakespeare's play. One who will "hold your manhood cheap."
I was feeling lonely and I only had five bucks, so I went looking for a Henry V.
by Stefan Postma's pain July 23, 2009
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My God, did you see that henry tran today, wow.
by fox May 18, 2003
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A French Footballer who also plays for Arsenal. He is also the best soccer player in the world right now. Hat Trick today against Bayern Munich.
I hope someday I will be as good as Thierry Henry
by Jonathan March 6, 2005
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