the act of aggressively slaying the vaginal region of a female until it looks like chipped ham and directly afterwards giving her a nice spray to the face and or boobs. this is usually followed by a couple pictures to show your friends or perhaps filming the whole act.
Zach asks - "Hey man did you fuck that girl last night?"
Russ replies- "No, but i did give her the old slay and spray!"
by bigDAWG317 April 17, 2010
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A phrase that someone will use referring to them F*#king dicks, sucking dicks, jerking dicks or just plain making a dick Cum. Usually used in a gay manner, it can also be used by women.
" I don't care if my neighbors think I am slaying dick up here, we are going to party Rob" -matt
by Blazed Angelz April 17, 2014
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Engaging in sexual conduct with the ugliest girl (dragon) of a group of women. Pairing off almost naturally occurs for the beautiful woman but nobody is willing to claim the dragon. Generally though has more pervesion and more willing to put out over the more attractive specimens. Is known to lick your butthole, in which case you are told to marry her. Also known as taking one for the team.
Beve: What chicks are we boning tonight?
Parker: Ashley, Whitney, and Cierra
Dallen: I call Cierra!
Parker: Heck no man, your gonna slay the dragon tonight! You get Whitney haha.
Beve: Thats what I'm talkin about! She'll lick your butthole!
by Mike Hunts Softball Team June 26, 2011
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A man who never buys his own drinks. Has no job. Has no house, he is ever broke and likes sugar mummies. He is basically a rat.
Most people called Brian are Slay Kings.
by Eldoret Wolf November 30, 2018
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The act of release the ultimate black evil from one's anus.
"Dude, I ate way too much food. I gotta go Slay a Dragon."

"Man, I have to Slay a Dragon, that Taco Bell is hitting me the wrong way."

by thatguy669606 November 24, 2008
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Slaying is being so good looking it kills the lookers.
He's here!! What a slay dad.
by SaltyCracker March 9, 2017
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by janett doe April 21, 2022
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