Someone that has a new group of friends every new year. Will do anything to fit in and look popular for social acceptance. Desperately wants companionship. Friendships only last a year tops because their true desperate self finally shows through and people run for the hills. Has no real friends. Doesn't know how to be themselves around others so he/she will put on an act. A fake, a scammer, a coward.
Ciaras new bestfriend on instagram? Didnt they hate eachother 2 years ago..?
Ya shes a friend bopper.

Didn't that girl hang out with Ashley and Samantha like 24/7 last summer?
Ya she did, I heard they cut her once they found out she was a fakebitch.

Lol ya, now shes back to being best friends with girls she beefed in highschool, what a friend bopper!
by Aintshiz April 23, 2017
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A 1K Bopper is a phrase used by people that live in the city,Hull. It is where an average person gets over 1K likes on their photos on a social media website.
Person1: Where's Tom?
Person2: I don't know, he's probably hanging with his 1k bopper mates
by Dom12123 April 4, 2016
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Someone who quickly bops from one person to the next.
She/he is a biddy bopper always jumping from this person to the next so what do you expect?
by Mini Mya December 5, 2019
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A rap on the head with the knuckles, usually as a punishment.
Dad: Billy stop making fun of your mother right now!!
Billy: But she's soooooo fat!
Dad: Gives Billy a sound dilly-bopper on the top of the head.
Dad: I will not tolerate your mocking!
by Ightnow September 23, 2022
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a white male with a large right arm a loves playing with his trunk
you’re a true tree bopper
by Hoy Boy February 7, 2018
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