Dane is the prettiest person you wil ever lay eyes on, she is smart, mature, but can also have a lot of fun. At first she is shy but when you get to know her she's the bestest friend you will ever have. Dane is a person you can talk to that gives good advice but never takes her own. Overall dane is the greatest person you will ever meet.
by November 22, 2021
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Dane aka a hipster.
People who think they are original and unique for having "innovative" opinions, when really the only opinion they have is the opposite of whatever is considered "mainstream" at the time. these people think they are above everyone else for being so "different," and thinking they are the shit for not conforming to society when really their whole life revolves around being different JUST to be different so people think they are cool.
“Hi my name is Dane even tho game of thrones is the best show on tv I’m going to pretend to not like it because I’m such a hipster
by Honesttruths April 29, 2019
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A fucking legend a funny guy and does not give one shit about anything other than his family and friends
Man: That Dane guy is really nice to his friends
by Rowlett May 7, 2020
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Verb, colloquialism ~ dáne ~ To “dane” is to exit one's vehicle rapidly during a turn or other high speed maneuver. Distinct from "do a barrel roll" as the driver does not complete the maneuver inside the vehicle. (As defined by Jen Harchenroeder, PRS 2019)

Origin: circa 2018 from the Powerwheels Racing Series (PRS) where competitor Dane Kouttron raced. He was notorious for exicuting the maneuver, which was then named after him and became a phrase used by PRS as a whole.
That’s the kind of injury that happens when you dane to the left like that.
by Monessxd March 11, 2019
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Could probably take a kid named Connor in a fight.
Spectator 1:Bro did you see Dane stomp Connor’s brains out
by I’m_Sad February 12, 2023
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Overall, great fucking guy. Dane is hilarious, great looking, and has better style than people named Aidan Quinn.
Person 1: Omg have u seen Dane yet today?
Person 2: I actually just got done talking to him, he had my laughing in tears.
Person 1: lol and not to mention his style is just awesome.
Person 2: haha so much better style than Aidan Quinn
by Some Sexy Bad Broad February 2, 2023
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