A term used to describe people, typically in a lower age range, who attempt to make a nuisance of themselves by acting like an ass and proceeding to used cliched memes such as, but not limited to "Umad, bro?".

The term has aged poorly, comparable to the way MLG has. Trolling (because no one could have known this!) used to refer to intelligent toying with others to incite rage. However, creativity has waned and now the word is known by basically anyone with an internet connection. Monkey see, monkey do.

This has been a public service announcement.
RandomTF2jackoff: Can somebody go medic?
RandomTF2jackoff: ?
by Psychotick May 12, 2012
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To spread as much negative feedback on videos on Youtube as possible. This phrase was invented by a popular Youtube celebrity named Ray William Johnson
"Quit trolling man! i love timothydelaghetto!"
by Ryan Brown Big Man Town August 24, 2011
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A troll is a woman who goes into a bar room type setting and is very loud, dresses slutty, typically drunk/high before dark time. they are also money hungry, have some form of addiction (pills, drugs, alcohol, sex, ect.), sleeps with random men every day of the week to get what they want. They are also frowned upon as they walk through the door and are not liked by most men and women. They do not think about what they say or do as long as they are receiving what they want. they typically come around every once in a while and people know the type of behavior that they present while there. usually found in the south and are known around town for their actions
"When the troll walked through the door at the bar room, everyone turned their heads and looked disgusted."

"The troll attempted to hang on every man in the bar room to receive a free drink."

"Oh my goodness, the troll keeps showing her boobs and va-ja ja to everyone."

"I can not believe that he slept with that troll last nite. What was he thinking!"
by Court LeeAnn Saul January 16, 2011
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Did you see that old lady trolling through the train station? She musta been carrying a metric crapload of luggage.
by dominicthemasterofall78 May 27, 2012
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I had to get my mind off things so I went trolling the streets of Rosslyn at night.
by Boo Ya Ya November 25, 2007
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Meant as an excessive form of lolling. Like "lols (lulz)" is short for lololololololol, "trolls" is short for "trolololololol", except has a greater meaning and effect than "lols (lulz)"
Taylor: I've been flirting with this 14 year old.
Sam: Pedobear is watching your every move!
Taylor: TROLLS!
by XsXmulliX September 8, 2011
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