the four best of friends. 1 the one who cats for every boy in the year above. 2 the one who smokes too much pot then wonders why she’s broke. 3 the one who’s a quirky lesbian. 4 the one who gives out life advice but doesn’t stick to it herself
oh have you heard about the kinky kardashians? i wish we were as cool as them!!!
by bigw1lly101 May 3, 2020
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Kinky eater is when you enjoy eating so much until you’re so bloated. And you have to undo your button
by Mdushyer January 7, 2021
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Someone who is a Kinky boy is a male who is obsessed with doing kinky things with others or himself.
"Oh look? Who's that over there!"
"Him? That's just ennui. He's a really Kinky boy."
by uxairz September 24, 2021
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"Bro yesterday I met up with Ennui, he is such a kinky boy!"
by uxairz September 21, 2021
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The sexual act of inserting a stuffed capsicum into a vagina, and having the partner eat it out before the burning sets in.
"Jennifer let me give her a Kinky Capsicum last night, but I wasn't quick enough so she had to go to the hospital."
by stalliom July 27, 2015
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