The act of applying toothpaste containing TiO2 (titanium dioxide) to the nipples or genitals, for a unique "high" effect. Causes severe spacial distortion, loss of balance, hallucinations, etc.
"hey, ever tried toothpasting?"
"dude, me and mike tried pasting last night, it blew my mind"
by Paul2600 May 8, 2012
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a substance people put on their pimples to help the pimple process
- We have no more toothpaste :o ... what am I going to do? I have a huge pimple on my head and I am going out tonight
by Jane, Mary Jane! May 8, 2006
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When you are wearing pants with a belt while you have to take a shit and you attempt to pull your pants down.
Person 1: I heard that my coworker likes toothpasting
Person 2: What the literal fuck is wrong with them?!
by LeifAttacc October 12, 2021
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When you nut and it comes out blue and minty
I realized after toothpasting on kellies face I didn't have to clean up because it was minty fresh.
by FuccNutt April 29, 2019
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Rubbing toothpaste on your nipples. A new way to get high, teenagers everywhere are starting to do this and it is growing popularity. Parents and staffs at high schools are growing awareness to this issue as it is a very easy to come by and anybody could be doing it.
Guy 1: "Man, we should toothpaste later I just bought some from the store"

Guy 2: "Yeah! My parents never suspected anything when I bought 4 packs of toothpaste yesterday, toothpasting is so fun man, this is gonna be awesome!!"
by Toothpaster256 May 8, 2012
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Toothpasting or just pasting is the act of rubbing toothpaste on the nipples to get high. The chemical that causes the high is still unknown.
Harry spent most of today Toothpasting.
by Global43443 May 7, 2012
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Getting high by applying toothpaste to ones nipples. This is extremely unsafe and can result in inflammation of the nipple and even permanent dangerous blockage or mutilation. Extremely dangerous, do not attempt. Popularised by famous internet website "9gag."
"Yo Rae, Wanna go Toothpasting, I've got my webcam all ready to go."
"I dunno, isn't that stuff dangerous?"
by Gako May 7, 2012
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