Girls who dosen't know who Marve Fleksnes is
Stine says: Marve fleksens, you are a bad person
by Marve69 August 12, 2020
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Stupid, dumb and blonde girl who lies to her parentes about everything. She is usually 5’9 and in love with people named mads. She blames everybody but herself, especially when it comes to expensive guitars.
by Vaniljelilje May 28, 2022
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Tate Stine gang otherwise known as TSG, is a small gang located in west Michigan, but has members all over america. this gang participates in racist hate crimes and is associated with the KKK in small ways. Tate Stine gang dates back to the late 1800's but saw a rise in members during the early 2000's when racism saw a new rise. do not confuse Tate Stine gang with the more deadly Tate Stone gang for they are rivals.
by BRONGULUS February 8, 2019
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