The best nationwide sorority, filled with girls who are classy, rich, and hot. Alpha Phis party, but also get exceptional grades and are admired by frat boys and sorority girls alike. If you date an Alpha Phi, raise your hand. If not, then raise your standards.
Guy #1: Dude, your new girlfriend is SMOKING HOT!
Guy #2: Thanks, man. but she's an ALPHA PHI. what do you expect?
by Lindsey Falsetto January 7, 2008
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A fraternity that promotes gay sex between brothers.
Guy: Hey what fraternity are those guys in.
Girl: That's phi delta alpha, they all smoke the pole.

Brother 1: We're so awesome and I love my brothers.
Brother 2: Then why don't you express that love with my dick in your mouth.
Brother 1: Yea, and then after my protein shake we can study!!!
by sickashell November 6, 2007
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1. refer to CUNT
2. refer to FOR FREE
My happy meal came with an alpha phi toy! No charge!

Female. My Alpha phi hurts from all the free sex i gave out last night.
by Sam Brooks February 5, 2008
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The hottest girls ever. We're the smartest, nicest, prettiest, sexiest, friendliest girls EVER

a-l-p-h-a alpha alpha alpha phi!!!! aaaaa a PHI A PHI

Other girls wanna be us, all the guys wanna meet us, the classiest and the sweetest..ALLLLPHA PHI.

be jealous
Fratty Guy: Damn that girl is so hot and she's not a bitch like dem other chicks in houses
Other Frattish Guy: Duh brosef, she an Alpha Phi.
by Alphaphibabe March 13, 2008
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A once highly respected music fraternity that redefined professional standards. Now Phi Mu Alpha is a group of degenerates who go around disrespecting women. By using the word "splay" and making consistently vulgar references to vaginas, Phi Mu Alpha has again redefined itself as another classless, moral deprived fraternity.
"Hey it's splay week for Phi Mu Alpha , lets go to conference and fuck some dumb bitches!"
by Briansinfonian1 February 16, 2009
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Also known as A-Phi, the most contagious, disgusting, and harmful sexually transmitted disease there is. There is no cure for the A-Phi, however most victims are confined to one house to quarantine the virus as much as possible, however they tend to sneak out and whore around on weekends. Puts herpes and the clap to shame. Usually the symptoms are: stupidity, slutiness, increased waist and ass size, bad breath, low standards, and increased subjection to other STDs.
He was banging an Alpha Phi, probably woulda had to replace the door anyways to get all those APhi germs off of there!
by flooooooo0o0o July 6, 2010
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Typically the least classy sorority on campus. Their only priorities are partying, getting laid, and causing drama. NEVER JOIN ALPHA PHI. You don't want to be "that girl".
If it hurts to pee, it's from an Alpha Phi.
by thatbitch1862 September 11, 2014
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