When you see someone with a big ass
by Raajin March 7, 2022
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'gyat' is a shortened version of 'god damn' and is particularly used when you see someone with a fatty.
Person with a fatty: walks by
Me: "GYAT"
by Peanuslubber July 16, 2023
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When a man says gyat he's basically describing how gay he is and how he feels about men that are packing in that area.

If a man ever says this near a woman know he's trying to warn you of how gay he is, he does not like women just packing men.

If a woman says this shes genuinely insane and needs mental help.
"GYATT Im so gay" -says Chad
by ieatpatrickbateman April 16, 2023
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Gyat can stand for many thing for example your friends mom got a big butt you can say gyat because she’s thick or if your driving school class cost 300 gyat can be said because that’s a lot for a driving class
I use a gyat when my teacher with the fat but comes around
by Taquan January 20, 2022
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gyat is like gawd or god in british or sum
person 1: rate my pic

person 2: gyat damn you ugly
by sheeeeeeeeeeesh1 March 25, 2021
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