Emmett is super gay extremely gay this man will do anything to be with you
by Cochieman69 October 11, 2020
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A stupid idiot that has no one to talk to
Emmett: I'm so lonely
by I hate you Mollee October 29, 2020
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Emmett is a guy who is chaotic as fuck, blunt, but somehow amazing. Cold eyes and cold hands, lanky and passionate.
He is such an Emmett.
by FuckShitUp February 20, 2019
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Emmett is the most annoying leach you will ever meet. he WILL latch on to you and follow you into the bathroom because he knows you will run from him. he is also autistic as shit and screams WHATTTTTT. if you know anyone named Emmett report them to the government because they are most likely an alien.
by EMMETT HATER October 7, 2022
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A very sexy Southern Californian who has crystal blue eyes, a great body, and a hot car.
Emmett Meyers, please ask me to formal.
by raybanbuddy August 2, 2010
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the sexiest vampire of all time in the twilight saga. brother of Edward Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Jasper Hale, and Alice Cullen. Strong muscular vampire:D
ahh he is my emmett cullen.
by cheyenne cullen January 19, 2009
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