When guys stand in a circle and jerk off, preferably onto a willing woman participant.
The guys at the frat party did a circle jerk initiation.
by RiCK_420 December 21, 2009
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An emotionally cruel and vicious "game" played by conspiring adolescent males which targets an unsophisticated, unsuspecting co-male (often one that exhibits gay tendencies). The conspiring males convince the target to participate in a "circle jerk" ("...ya, we've all done it before, it's fun ...") see related definitions. The game is played in the dark. The first to ejaculate wins. The conspiring boys make appropriate sounds by dragging their finger nails down their flys, pulling/flapping their cheeks, etc. Of course, the target always comes first and "wins." The light is flicked-on. Laughter & mayhem follows.
Q: "Did you hear about Ted last night? Jack and and his freinds got him in a circle jerk!" A: "Ted?... I always knew he was a 'circle jerk.'"
by cruelshoe November 19, 2005
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A game on MXC where contestants pick a ball out of a box and the color they get determines who they face. It is kinda like sumo wrestling. There is always 2 scrawny guys a muscle guy and the master sumo man, and sometimes raplh is there too with his famous "the green teabagger"
Oh looks like you've picked purple, your going against the purple dong!
by mxc luver December 12, 2004
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A jerk with a crappy accoustic guitar who sits in a circle surrounded by other like-minded people playing the same crappy chord over and over and singing really bad home made lyrics, most commonly found on University Campus' and parks.
Guy 1: Aw dude another Circle Jerk.

Guy 2: When will he realize he sucks ass at guitar?
by Justice Is Raped September 30, 2009
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Invite friends around to jerk each of in a circle( because your all virgins)"average" thing that "average" friends do am I right;)
Wanna come round to my circle jerk session bro
by XxPhantomGamingxx February 9, 2017
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(n) When a group of males surround an edible object (usually a cracker) and proceed to masturbate. The last one to ejaculate must, by rule, consume the edible object.
(n) see also sausage fest
At last month's circle jerk, Bob was forced to eat the cracker
by Paul October 12, 2003
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When a group of persons(usually male)stand in a circle around a large cookie and vigorously masturbate. The last one to arrive on the large cookie below must then consume the whole cookie.
"Dude, Ron ate it at the circle jerk on Friday."
by Jayman4:20 August 3, 2007
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