Arsh is an amazing person whose growth depends on the people around him ,he can be very caring and deadly at same time . He keeps fighting for his trustworthy people who love him unconditionally

If you find him never let him be alone
This is Arsh ,the person who stood in my times
by Auxydevil17 November 23, 2021
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Arsh is a punjabi word,which means 'sky'.

He is a horny guy ,who would make you feel heaven

He has great personality,with cute gestures,most caring person you will ever met

He is the most memorable person you will met in your life and will not fail to impress you.
Everyone loves him and has great effect on 'closed ones'.
He-who is he

She- he is arsh
by **""'** November 23, 2021
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An asshat. Can also be used as an insult for someone else, if you want.
<pot_noodle> You're such an Arsh, you fucking Arsh.
<Arsh> I know :((((
by pot_noodle January 1, 2004
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A dumass who doesn't know shit. He is ugly but is very overconfident on getting a girl. Has no knowledge what so ever and is just the stupidest person ever. Also makes stupid bets that he loses, and likes carrots. He leaves shit stains in people's cars and also has a natural stank.
by Please-Baby February 14, 2017
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1. To pull an Arsh is to skip class, or not show up.
Hey, I don't want to write a test in Mr. Agro's class, i'm going to be pulling an Arsh.
by poland000 December 14, 2009
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the sex god all the bitches want him inside of them

they suck the butter chicken glaze clean
oh arsh deep geme the fat butter chicken glazed cock i want it all daddy
by arsh deep May 8, 2018
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I wanted to hit challenger last night in league of legends but I kept getting teammates that would do Arsh Shenanigans.
by JohnWickCockAndBallTorture November 10, 2022
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