a big lip, named for one the the burg's proudest packers of the fatt, shabba himself. shabba=dip
1-dude youve got dip all over your lip
2-pass me a shabba rag then dumbass


1-going on a shabba run, need any?
2-three cope straight
by fatt m April 27, 2008
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A bear, a wolf, a fruit (real or imaginary). Shabba describes both the act of and the product used to chew dipping tobacco.
"Dude, do you wanna go shabba?"
"Shaba-dabba-do, I love you!"
by Casa January 31, 2005
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a big lip, named for one the the burg's proudest packers of the fatt, shabba himself. shabba=dip
1-dude youve got dip all over your lip
2-pass me a shabba rag then dumbass


1-going on a shabba run, need any?
2-three cope straight
by fatt m April 27, 2008
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A non-jew, usually a White Person who does the bidding of the jews, in return for fame, power, or financial gain. Or a non-jew who serves the jews, and aids them in bring about their agenda for World dominion.
Bob is a real Shabbas Goy, he joined the Military and volunteered to go fight for the Jews in the Middle East. Our Governor is nothing but a Shabbas Goy. He issued a proclamation to make it illegal to criticize jews.
by Thunderbird88 June 29, 2023
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Shabba Ranks is a Jamaican dancehall musician. He was one of the most popular dancehall artists of his generation.
Also the title of an A$AP Ferg song.
A:Do you remember that dancehall muscian Shabba Ranks?
B:Yeah I heard he's really old.

by ibesusy August 22, 2013
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The process of shabba ranking involves using the hand movements from asap fergs hit single Shabba Ranks music video. Though many consider it dancing, it is not. It is simply hard intercourse.
I told this bitch I ain't have a condom and I still ended up Shabba Ranking that hoe.
by SamSstoner September 30, 2013
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