Awesome girl who kicks ass
Has Own cereal
has action figure w/ pix
Can't spell
"Rin your awesome"
by Penelope December 11, 2003
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A good looking male, super attractive, doesn’t like to share his feelings, will always be there for you, he’s pretty and a really flirty type of person. He is energetic and gets sometimes sad easily. Everyone likes to hangout with him and girls really like him. Great taste in music and usually dark haired.
Person 1: Look at this guy, he’s so pretty
Person 2: I know right, his name is rin
by ireallylikegrapes November 21, 2021
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High key a valid bitch with a fat ass.
Jeremy : Yo did you see that bih, she got the fatty
Ken: She must be a Rin
by perolikesmd April 10, 2017
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1. Ninja Magic
2. Small black furry animal, particularly a black cat.
by gia rin May 25, 2004
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"rin" is a non-gendered term that means king/queen. You can use it with non-binarys/people that don't want you to use gendered terms with them.
by imabadbishfuckthisbish March 12, 2021
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slang:noun: weed or marajuana
verb: to rin up, to build a spliff
use the rin to rin up the rin
by JOHN February 24, 2005
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