Mobius Moustache = A big moustache - that goes down along the side of your mouth and then goes up along the edge of your jaw, and then becomes your sideburns, and then becomes your hair. (As in A Million Ways to Die in the West.)
“Oh? And just what kind of moustache are you looking to grow?”

“A big one - Like one of those ones that goes down along the side of my mouth and then goes up along the edge of my jaw, and then becomes my sideburns, and then becomes my hair.”

“A Mobius Moustache, that’s the one.”
by DH Edsel October 15, 2023
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A mobius fork is a fourth dimensional setting where a decision is made or an event occurs that has multiple possible outcomes, these outcomes fork off the current time line creating multiple new timelines which differ from each other just so, the further from the movies fork you go the more the separate timelines differ from each other
Wow Jenny breaking up with Tim is a pretty big mobius fork in both their lives.
by modrtow August 18, 2015
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I went out with Kelly last night and we totally gave each other a Mobius rimjob!
by Membersonly777 October 20, 2020
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a loop that has one side and one surface. you can create it by taking a paper line and making a 180 degree turn and stick


often confused with a movie which i dont want to talk about
curse you kids ruining geometry
person who has not been affected by the morbius memes and the movie - do you know about the mobius strip

person who has been affected by the morbius memes and the movie - do you mean morbius drip
by a random indian kid October 14, 2022
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it is a loop with only 1 side and 1 edge

ruined by a movie which i do not want to talk about

curse you kids for ruining geometry names
person who has not been affected by the morbius memes and the movie - do you know about mobius strip

person who has been affected by the morbius memes and the movie - do you mean morbius drip
by a random indian kid October 14, 2022
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