Soft boi with red hair
Bakugos boyfreind
Kirishima is my favorite character in mha
by TheBoiOfStuffs January 23, 2021
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Person 1: omg I love Kirishima!
Me: back off hes mineeeeee
by pisskinker220203uwu September 7, 2020
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A hard type of rock that gets its fame for having hair all though it's crappy.
"I found a rare Kirishima in my favorite tv show Boku no hero academia!"
by IIove October 5, 2020
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an absolute blessing to exist, wether it’s here or in another reality. kirishima is otherworldly. he is strong, he is brave, he is kind, and very very manly. he sees himself as weak or unworthy to be a hero, but that’s just not true. he’s amazing in every way possible and you should be proud of him for how much work he puts into becoming a hero. he may not be the smartest academically, but logically, he’s a genius. he’s sweet, and tries to empathize with everyone. he’s very understanding and all around, very valuable to have in your life. you should be grateful to have a kirishima.
person 1: kirishima is amazing!
person 2: right? i know!
by January 7, 2021
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the cutest little thing in the world . if you spot a wild eijirou kirishima , squish his cheeks and tell him you love him .
person a : ayo! i see an eijirou kirishima!!
person b: omg, dude! go hug him!
everyone loves eijirou kirishima
by lol bug November 27, 2020
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