Gotta jet, be out, run away from Po Po or a crew or anything that you have to run from
Gotta dipset on niggas cuz niggas made it hot and Po Po ran up in the spot.
by IcE MaNz AkA GonCheZ December 21, 2004
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Street gang hailing from Harlem, NYC. Known affiliation with the famous rap group 'The Diplomats'.
by Lord_Manni January 31, 2009
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To leave in hasty manner usually after an awkward or life changing situation.
Thomas dipset from the opium den before the police arrived.
by FLEXmastaFLEX September 26, 2009
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to leave a scene

comes from drug dealers who leave their old place (dip out) when the cops start coming around, and start up business elsewhere (set up). dip out + set up = dipset

also the name of a rap group
yo my place got hot so I'mma dipset over to crenshaw ave next week
by heezgeez May 23, 2009
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A variable noun. Can be used in just about any situation. Most commonly used to reference male genitalia or a bump, divet or groove.
Man, Kenny you are trippin' on a dipset.
by rays11fan June 21, 2010
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