October 27th is international punch Ryan in the dick day. Today it is encouraged that you punch anyone named Ryan in the dick.
Oh today October 27th, I simply can’t wait to punch Ryan in the dick.
by dillydilly1322 October 27, 2020
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october 27th is a day for you to announce to that special person that you have feelings for them. This is the once chance you got to tell them so go get em.
*danny* is october 27th bro you gotta tell her you like her man
*gabby* idk what happens if she doesn’t like me?
*danny* doesn’t matter this is your only chance bro
*gabby*alright i’ll tell her, wish me luck
by ur mama ;) October 15, 2019
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fred- “omg it’s october 27th”

brad- “yes! it’s jacklyns birthday
by jackattack_abitch October 14, 2019
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The stupidest people to ever live are born on this day
Oh that fucking he’s born on October 27th”
by October 26, 2020
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No caption needed. Guys you know what to do.

“Hey you know what day it is right?”
Sally - “It’s October 27th”
“Damn right show me your titties bitch!”
by OogaBoogaAHHHHH October 27, 2020
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National knock over a disabled person day! On this day the first disabled person you see gets knocked down. This includes not just retards minorities and famous cripples but foreskin nibblers who walk around on crutches all day. Extra points if you knock them down the stairs

Oh and also just beat up gingers
Tom: hey useless fuck!

Disabled person: SHIDD its october 27th*Gets shoved down stairs and dies*

Ronald: at least I’m safe

Tom: see you in hell redhead piece of shit! *stabs ronald*
by Joe kegan October 23, 2019
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